Monday, July 13, 2009

To the Yukon.

Calgary was a blast, I had a realy good birthday. Four days in that city though took a good chunck out of my wallet. It's an expensive place when you're celebrating your birthday, and you know you don't have to go to work the next day, week, or month. After leaving Calgary we headed north through banff and jasper. These places are amazing with the glaciers, and crystal blue lakes, but it's very touristy. If there was a black bear or any animal for that matter on the side of the road there'd be 20 cars parked on the side of the road to take pictures. That black bear must be sittin there muttering "no respect these people have no respect". That or "one of these days im going to eat one of these picture taking bastards". Avoiding the tourists here is easy though. All you have to do is pick a hike thats more than 2 km, and the p-lot we be empty. Just people pulling in, looking at how long it is, and then pulling out. There is some really cool out back camping here, enough to keep you busy for a couple months at least. We only spent about a week due to the fact that it wouldn't stop raining, and that the north calls, but I will definitly be back. After Jasper we eventully made it to the Alaskian Highway. This is a must see highway, and by far the coolest road i've ever driven on. It winds every which way through these mountains, which flourish with wildlife. The winding roads at cliffs edge, can be quite dangerous when you're gaulking at carabou, and thinkings is that a elk. Or seeing a herd of bison and wondering if they're buffalo. It must be easy hunting around here, because i think i've seen more animals on this highway, then I've seen on the whole trip. In one day we seen 8 black bears, 2 herds of bison, 8 moutain goats(shifty eyed things they are, don't trust'em), a heard of carabou, and a moose. I also seen a grizzly for the frist time. Very cool, they are very...grizzly. In Calgary our side view mirror got smashed (don't know how...seriously i don't), but the guy at speedy auto glass put a new one in for free, just cause he liked our stories, and told us about some hot springs in northern BC. Needles to say they were amazing. After swimming (more like jumping in and out) in atlantic waters, and glaciers lakes, this was a nice change. If you're planning on drinking till it gets dark and taking a few to drink in the hot springs, make shur you have alot of booze, because it takes a while to get dark, haha i think it was 1 30 or 2 00. All this day light takes some adjusting. 4 in the mourning looks like 2 in the afternoon. Makes the coffee and cigerette a little less enjoyable if ya can believe that. Im heading to Dawson City for a music festival this weekend, and then it's up the dempster, where the magic bus will earn her soul. It's come some 15000km now and is running like a top.


  1. great pictures, enjoy the dempster.

    love pops

  2. Loving all the pictures Zachary and the stories that follow. Aunt Sandy is makin sure Grandma & Grandpa are seeing it all. So happy to hear all is going well. Glad to hear you had a great birthday, miss you lots. Drive careful on that dempster highway, look forward to more pics. Luv ya Mom

  3. Zach, I am loving your pictures and your stories. What an amazing adventure! I'm so jealous! I was telling your Great Aunt Monie about you journey and she was concerned about what you are eating if you are on such a tight budget. She's afraid you might be eating just nuts and berries and the occasional road kill. Your dad told to tell her not to worry, you are living on love but I'm not sure if that's the kind of answer she want to hear! Have a great trip, stay safe and keep the stories and pictures coming.

  4. Hey Zach, this is great seeing the pictures and hearing the stories. They obviously show you are having a great time. Nice to know you are meeting nice people who will help you out when in need. Keep it up
