Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Green Gardens Trail -Gros Morne-

This is a buitiful trail in Gross Morne National Park, it a 18km hike and its up and down mountains which gets pretty grueling when you're carring heavy pack. We went in for 2 nights, we hiked in 5 km over and through the mountains, and the along the coast for anouther 10km before setting up camp. I don't think we walk over a km of flat terrian, it was really cool. We set up camp by a mouth of a river going into the Gulf of St.Larence. I was a really nice spot, the first night we had a nice big fire due to all the drift wood. The second day at about 3 in the afternoon it started raining pretty good, and it didn't stop. As it started to get dark we noticed that the river was rising at a pretty good speed. Getting closer and closer to our tent. At about 10:00 we ended up moving our tent further back on the beech where we could sleep with ease. At 12:00 in the night the river turned into a raging torrent, wiping out our fire pit, and old tent site. The only problem then was that we had to cross that river in the mourning to get out (we technically couldve gone back the way we came, but thats not really what we set out to do). By mourning time the rain had stopped and the river had calmed down a bit, making crossing doable. Due to Vern's lack of confidence with water, ended up carring both pack's and came out of it only with a little cut and bruied foot. Vern had good crossing also thanks to a big stick we found. The 5 km out were up and down mountains and they were wet with streams running down them all over the place. It was a tough, but rewarding hike, but i am looking forward to a day on the bus.

1 comment:

  1. Wow very very cool. Uncle jeff said he really admires your backpack.
